WE’RE HIRING: Executive Director 

Summary: Reporting to the Board of Directors, the Executive  Director is responsible for overseeing all matters related to the organization, by providing  leadership to staff, securing program funding and taking a lead role in securing operations funding, and ensuring that policies are implemented, monitored, evaluated and fine-tuned. This role of Executive Director requires a high level of flexibility to respond to the changing needs of the organization in a complex political and artistic landscape.

Anticipated Start Date: March 1st, 2025 

Salary: $49,000

To Apply: Please send a CV and cover letter to tori@cfat.ca. All questions can be directed to the current Executive Director, Tori Fleming, at the above email address or at (902)422-6822



• Ensure staff and contractors have what they need for success by recruiting, hiring, orienting  and supervising staff, providing clear, timely direction that is in keeping with the vision and  mission, informal feedback and a formal performance review, and the necessary training and  tools, responding to requests for information. 


• Contribute to the Annual Programming vision by consulting with the Programming Committee  and Board, and developing partnerships and co-sponsorships with other like organizations and  educational institutions 

•  Ensure the success of CFAT programming by communicating with the Programming Coordinator about the creative direction, writing programming grant applications, completing reporting on programing to all private and government funders, and handling all payment and budget management of programs. 

Financial Management 

• Works closely with CFAT’s accountant to process bi-weekly payroll by gathering information and generating payroll results, preparing  and distributing cheques and remittances, preparing and distributing Records of Employment,  T4s and year-end reports 

• Provide leadership in financial operations by preparing, monitoring and adjusting budgets, and  monitoring the investment vehicles and health benefits plan and recommending changes 

• Secure funding by reviewing the deadlines for grants, writing/applying for grants, managing  the funds and preparing reports for the funding agencies 

• Support financial management processes by working with the accountant to ensure the  invoices and other transactions are accurate and complete, meet monthly with the accountant,  manage day-today books, and the annual audit

• Support the organization’s fundraising activities by communicating with the Programming and Fundraising  Committee, participating as a member of Fundraising Committee, organizing fundraisers with  the help of the Programming Coordinator, and researching and acquiring  private foundation funding, maintaining relationships with foundations and sponsors, and  creating an annual Fundraising strategy, keeping an eye on new funding possibilities 

Facility Management 

• Ensure the facility is safe, clean, functional and well organized by evaluating the state of the  facility, organizing the maintenance of facilities, monitoring office and janitorial supplies,  booking cleaning services, and maintaining a relationship with the landlord, in collaboration with  other staff members. 


• Provide direction for CFAT’s communication, promotion and public relations by working with  the Programming Coordinator, and developing partnerships by representing CFAT to other  organizations and the public 

• Perform other related duties as assigned 

Technical Requirements 

  • Undergraduate degree from a recognized educational institution

  • 3 or more years experience supervising staff

  • Intermediate level of proficiency in Quickbooks or similar accounting software, including payroll

  • A proven record of success with grant writing

  • Budgeting for projects or small organizations

  • Experience reporting to a Board of Directors

This job will be conducted primarily in English and will require strong written and oral communication skills.

Typical Behaviours 

Achievement Motivation: Is energetic and committed to meeting goals and targets set, even  when tasks are repetitive; actively reviews schedules and plans to avoid unnecessary over runs;  wants to do things well and consistently delivers to best of own ability; willing to respond to  reasonable requests to do tasks that go beyond normal scope of job. 

Attention to Detail: Accomplishes a task through concern for all the areas involved, no matter  how small. Proofreads documents to ensure correct grammar, spelling and formatting. Monitors  and checks work or information, and plans and organizes time and resources efficiently. 

Member Service: Is dedicated to meeting the expectations and requirements of the members in  a manner that provides satisfaction for the member and fosters loyalty. Is respectful of others,  helping or serving them to meet their needs by discovering those needs and figuring out how to  best meet them. 

Communication: Able to write in a variety of communication settings and styles; can get  messages across that instigates appropriate actions; orally communicates positively in a variety  of formal and informal settings; actively listens.

Creativity and Innovation: Questions whether the current approach is still the best approach;  strives to come up with different ideas to make improvements; looks at best practices from  other organizations and determines what could be transferred; focuses on the value of finding  new ideas and acting on them. 

Flexibility: Is open to change and new information; adapts behavior and work methods in  response to new information, changing conditions, or unexpected obstacles; adjusts rapidly to  new situations warranting attention and resolution. 

Initiative: Identifies what needs to be done and confidently takes action to achieve standard of  excellence beyond job expectations. 

Planning and Organizing: Sets priorities, goals, tracking systems and timetables to achieve  maximum productivity. Is able to change focus to another task at short notice; able to manage  stress that may arise with conflicting priorities. 

Relationship Building: Able to develop, maintain, and strengthen relationships with others  inside or outside of the organization who can provide information, assistance, and support;  gains support for ideas and motivates others to advance the objectives of the organization and  influence outcomes; understands the global impacts of behavior with peers, members and  stakeholders; able to present key points of an argument persuasively, negotiate and convince  others.  

Teamwork and Cooperation: Works cooperatively, with a positive attitude with others to  achieve common goals. Willingly co-operates; is friendly and cooperative. Keeps other team  members up to date. Addresses conflicts or issues within the team in a positive and open  manner. 

Team Leadership: Effectively manages and guides group efforts; tracks team progress,  adequately anticipates roadblocks, and changes course as needed to achieve team goals;  provides appropriate feedback concerning group and individual performance, including areas for  improvement. 

Working Conditions: The incumbent works in a typical office environment, with typical office  equipment. There are lots of opportunities to get up and walk around. Attendance at events  that are scheduled on evenings and weekends may be required on an irregular basis. 

Decision-making: The incumbent is responsible for all typical decisions that are covered by  board policy, keeping in mind the importance of keeping the board chair apprised of the  decisions that may be contentious. The incumbent brings decisions to the Personnel Committee  and/or the board chair that may be upsetting to employees, members and/or the public as well  as decisions that are not encompassed in the existing policies.